After Death No Reviving; After the Grave No Meeting Again

Recently I have experienced the death of three close friends. And once once again, a lot of fake statements accept been made nearly what happens when you die. The simply identify to find the truth about death is in the Discussion of God. In order to fully sympathise what happens when you die, you must outset fully understand how life begins.

God said in Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee…" How is this possible. It is possible because in the beginning, God created all things. All things were in Him and they became visible at the fourth dimension of His designated good pleasure. Before God said, "Let there be light," all of u.s. were in Him. We were all in God every bit spirits.

The question then becomes, how did we get hither on globe? We all came from Adam and Adam came to globe as a result of Genesis 2:7. Genesis two:7 says, "And the Lord God formed human of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life; and man became a living soul." In other words the starting time human being was formed with a body from the dust of the ground. Then God blew into that body a breath of life, which is the same equally "spirit." God blew into the nostrils of the body that He formed for Adam, the spirit of Adam, which came out of God. Since Adam, God now forms the body of all of u.s.a. in our mothers womb and He breathes into the mothers womb, our individual spirits which comes out of Him. When the spirit, (jiff of life) enters into the formed body, that person becomes a living soul.

Ecclesiastes 12:seven says tells us what happens when a person dies. It says, "Then shall the grit render to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it." In other words, when a person dies, his or her spirit goes back to God, the body returns to dust and the soul of that person no longer be. That is why Job 27:3 says, "All the while my breathe is in me, and the spirit of God is my nostrils."

Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know not any thing." When yous die yous know nothing. Yous are not enlightened of what's going on earth and you are not looking down from heaven because the expressionless knows null. In guild to be conscious of anything you must have a soul. Just a soul is the combination of trunk and spirit. When the two no longer exist together, there is no soul and in that location is no consciousness of anything.

At this present time, no one is in heaven or hell. Acts two:29 and 34 tells us that King David is both dead and buried and his grave is nonetheless with united states of america today. But King David has not all the same ascended into heaven. His body has turned to dust and his spirit is back with God and his soul no longer exist. If this is true for David, then it is likewise true for everybody else.

Nothing happens to the dead until Jesus returns. I Thessalonians 4:13-eighteen makes it perfectly clear what happens when nosotros die. The passage begins past saying the Lord does non desire us to be ignorant about what happens to the dead in Christ. The dead in Christ refers to those who have died every bit saved or built-in once more Christians equally a event of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you equally a Christian, believe Jesus died and rose from the dead, and so we besides will eventually rise from the dead. And that will happen when Jesus returns. I Thessalonians 4: sixteen-17 says, "For the Lord Himself shall descend from sky with a shout, with the vocalization of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the expressionless in Christ shall ascension first. And then, nosotros which are alive and remain, shall be caught us together with them in the clouds, to run into the Lord in the air; and so shall we be with the Lord forever." It is perfectly clear that we volition all go to heaven at the same time. This eliminates anyone being able to say, "I got to heaven earlier you did."

I should point out hither that as we and the dead rise up to come across the Lord in the air, earlier we get to Him, our bodies volition inverse, in the twinkling of eye, into a new incorruptible body. Jesus then will give back to the dead, their spirits that had been placed back in God and the dead volition again become a living soul to savor being in the presence of the Lord for always. This is the joy of Eternal Life.

This is how the bible wants the states to comfort i another as Christians. Not with, "he/she is in a better identify." Not with, "he/she is looking downward on us from heaven." Non with, "he/she is with their loved ones in sky." None of this happens until Jesus returns to get united states. By the way, if people become to heaven immediately later decease, then why is Jesus coming back to get us?

The bible provides no answer for condolement for those who die without accepting Jesus Christ while they were alive. Revelation reveals to the states that at that place will be a second resurrection of those who failed to have Jesus Christ equally their Lord and Savor. Those who neglect to do so will be resurrected from the dead to be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

At present, more than ever, is the time to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that many will exist bedevilled to accept Jesus Christ equally their Lord and Savior. Jesus is presently to come, merely when He comes, it volition be too late to accept Him.


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