Nike of Samothrace Unique Forms of Continuity in Space

The Nike of Samothrace vs. Unique Forms of Continuity in Spa

            The Nike of Samothrace is a very dramatic sculpture. The way she stands and the flowing of her drapery, she seems to be floating downward from the sky. Her drapery is flowing, but it clings to show her torso. I think this is showing great movement. The wings are shown in great detail and beauty. The full expanse of the wings makes it seem to be flowing in a windstorm. With the wind fighting against her and she struggling to land. The wings seem sturdy against the gusts of wind that are coming against them. She never falters or is thrown off balance, even though the storm is violent. She still strains forward, pressing on towards the mark she is trying to reach. I think the sculpture is very moving and emotional. I think of strength against an opposition when I look at it. Reminds me of a struggle to achieve something that is just out of reach. .
             The Unique Forms of Continuity in Space by Umberto Boccioni is about the human body in action. It holds no definite form or shape, although it reminds one of a weatherman at ground zero during a hurricane. It resembles a very muscular man fighting against a great force, like the wind, to get somewhere, striving forward, pressing on. Although it is a struggle, he still proceeds, fighting every step of the way. The statue shows determination in the roughest of forms. It also resembles power. This sculpture is very dramatic, just as the Nike of Samothrace was. Great opposition or forces seem to be a common factor in each sculpture. The Nike shows us the way beauty prevails and Unique Forms of Continuity in Space shows us how great strength triumphs. The Nike shows more detail and uniformity, while the other is obviously more abstract, but they both show the same subject. Whether man or women there is always a great fight to get places one want to be. But as long as one stands fast and hold ground, one will eventually achieve ones goal. .

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