Episcopal Church in Palm Beach Gardens

Bethesda-by-the-Sea decked out for Christmas in 2016.

The spiritual leaders at The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea went into the summer, no doubt as most did, not anticipating that the pandemic's grip would reach so deep into the year as to upend nearly a century of indoor Christmas service traditions — ones that in recent times have drawn 2,000 parishioners indoors for two days of celebration.

But by the time schools began to conduct classes online this fall, they realized they would have to consider how to carry on without risking contagion.

The first place they cast their sights was quite literally outdoors. What they have come up with is something they are calling a "Christmas Pilgrimage."

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With reservations, visitors will take in the story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Christ in seven parts. They will hear the liturgy, engage in prayer, listen to hymns from the choir and even take communion while walking the expansive grounds.

"We've got one of the best places to meet outside, so we made a decision to play to our strengths," said Rector Father James Harland.

Across Palm Beach, churches are seeking a range of alternatives.

At Royal Poinciana Chapel, pre-recorded services will be on tap for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

RELATED: Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Royal Poinciana Chapel to hold joint Palm Sunday service

St. Edward Catholic Church will invite parishioners indoors, but there will be more masses so that people can better distance from one another, and the midnight mass on Christmas Eve will begin instead at 10, so as not to conflict with the town's curfew that begins at 1 a.m.

"Christmas will be the first time we will be singing in the church since the pandemic began," Monsignor Thomas Klinzing said. COVID-19 prompted the choir to disband, but there will be singing from hymnals, he said.

The bishop has given permission to members of the church to not attend mass, so no one need worry about that traditional mandate, Klinzing said. Those who do come to the church should note only 120 people are allowed inside the space that in holidays past has been jammed 700-strong.

"I've told people if you come and the place is crowded, you have to come back at another time," Klinzinger said. But, he said, the church is not going to act as the crowd police and kick people out.

Back at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, church leaders believe they've found a compromise that allows fellowship and safety at once. It's taken a while to sort out the details.

"A lot of churches have parking lots. You see churches doing drive-in services, things like that. That's when it struck us. We have a large property, we do live in South Florida, which allows us to do things outside. We have these grounds, the gardens, the architecture. It's designed for people to come visit and walk through the grounds," said Greg Knight, director of children and youth ministries.

Why confine the vision to sitting outside when more people could safely stroll it? And thus a "Christmas Pilgrimage" was born.

When Knight put out a call for volunteers, the buy-in was rapid.

"Immediately, the emails started pouring in to our volunteer email account," Knight said.

The pilgrimages, four each night, will run the three days before Christmas, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each half-hour time slot beginning at 5 p.m. is open to 50 reservations. Those 50 will be broken into smaller groups and begin at staggered points on the circuit.

All will be wearing masks, and households will move together and keep safe distances from others.

The first tour of the evening will be a shortened version designed to be more easily navigated by those in wheelchairs, pushing strollers or those less certain of their footing.

About 25 to 30 clergy, choir and volunteers bring each stop to life. ("I have five Marys," said Knight.) Fortunately, the costuming is less challenging for shepherds and angels than the church's annual Boarshead Festival, Knight said.

"It's a journey through the whole story. We're also doing part of a church service at each stay," Knight said. "You'll see a vignette and do a prayer. There's a vignette with hymns from the choir. You'll see a vignette and be able to hear the gospel," Knight said.

One leg of the journey does take people inside the church decked in its Christmas finery under its vaulted ceilings. There they can receive communion.

"There will be costumes and bagpipes and music and so much more," Harlan said.

The pilgrimage will accommodate hundreds over the course of three nights. But not everyone will be able to participate. Bethesda-by-the-Sea has pre-recorded a more traditional Christmas service as well, Harlan said.

But gone are the three in-person masses on Christmas Eve and the one on Christmas Day

"There's no way to do anything safe with 2,000 people," Harlan said.

"They say necessity is the mother of invention," Knight said. And this invention may have legs, so to speak.

"It's wonderful we're able to do online stuff, but there's a part of ministry that's about being present, being together and at Christmas that's more pronounced. It's just such a boost to people's morale," Knight said.

"If we have the chance to do something in person, we should think of a way to do it," he said. "You don't have to be religious to feel the story of power. People want to hear epic narratives and feel their place in epic narratives and Christmas is an epic narrative. Not only are you going to hear the story, but you're going to participate as you walk through the service."

Monsignor Thomas Klinzing leads a packed Christmas vigil mass on Dec. 24, 2019 at St. Edward Catholic Church. There will be more services this year so people can socially distance.


Source: https://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/story/news/2020/12/18/christmas-services-palm-beach-reimagined-online-grounds/3945293001/

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